Nürburgring in order to watch the race of 24 hours Nürburgring which is held in every
May or every first ten days of June. It was an exciting race. I and a large audience were
getting wildly excited. If you have a chance to watch 24 hours Nürburgring, why don't
you go to Deutschland?
By the way, what do you think that I do? I am the driver of the Tozai Express which is
in Saga prefecture where I was born. I have two daughters. One's name is Sayu. Sa is
彩. Yu is 結. The other's name is Ohka. Ohka is 桜花. Sayu was born on April 30 2025.
Ohka was born on April 4 2026. My wife is Sayaka (彩花). Sayu entered elementary
school this year. The next year Ohka will enter it too.
I am truck driver. I work in the transport industry. I drive the truck of 2000 kg every
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to JA Beverage Saga. I make it a rule to check left
back in order to prevent a person from being caught under the left rear wheel. At 6:00 I
wake up and eat breakfast. At 7:00 I go to the office. At 8:00 I start the work. At 12:00 I
always buy lunch in Hotto Motto and eat it in the truck. At 17:00 I go home back. At
20:00 I take a bath. Two hours later I go to the bed in order to get enough sleep to drive
a truck. I deliver vegetables safely today too for many people. If you do job hunting in
Saga, why don't you apply to the transport industry? It is much easier than becoming
the public employee.
313 words
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